GreenFeed Skid System

The GreenFeed Skid System is an enhanced variant of the GreenFeed. Designed for heavy-duty applications such as feedlots and working with larger animals. It features a larger base and a protective shell, offering increased durability and robustness. The Skid System can additionally incorporate sliding panels to provide ease of functionality.

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Product Overview

The GreenFeed Skid System is typically used for any size and age of cattle except for unweaned calves. The system could be used to measure metabolic gases from other large animal species. It will measure CO2 flux accurately to a level of greater than 1,000 g/d and CH4 flux greater than about 60 g/d.

This unit requires a pelletized feed (< 7 mm in diameter) to be used. Any type of pelletized feed can be used, with some applications using pelletized grass and alfalfa, and others using a concentrate mix. The system is typically configured to offer a small amount of pelleted bait attractant to entice the animals to visit multiple times per day. Typically the amount of bait attractant used is about 1-1.5 kg per animal per day, however in some installations as little as 200 grams per animal per day. In other applications animals are given as much as 8 kg per animal per day. The amount of feed used is uniquely configurable for each animal.

In normal operating conditions, about 20 to 40 animals per day can be measured per GreenFeed, however this varies depending on the animals, the size of the pen or pasture, the quantity of feed, and the objectives.


  • Auto Calibration::

    The auto-calibration system allows the user to remotely and automatically calibrate the methane and carbon dioxide concentration sensors. For the auto-calibration, two compressed gas tanks are needed – a zero gas tank and a span gas tank. Special gas regulators are connected to the gas cylinders and a sample line from each tank is plumbed to the gas sensor boxes. The system is configured to periodically draw gas first from the zero tank, then from the span tank. Typically this calibration is automatically performed once per day.

  • Tool Kit::

    Each unit is provided with the US standard tools for maintenance of your GreenFeed unit.

  • Gas Regulators::

    The gas regulators reduce the pressure on high pressure gas tanks in other applications.

  • New Skid Bottom Design::

    Increased stability and durability.

Product Options

Extended Hopper

With the extended hopper option, the large feed bin can hold 800 lbs. The user can go for a longer period of time...

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Wind Sensor

The wind sensors are to be used in any outdoor application and are typically mounted to the airflow pipe near the top...

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Dual Hopper

With the dual hopper option, the large 100 kg food bin is split into two separate bins, each holding about 50 kg of...

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